Episode 10

“One last thing before we wrap this interview up Martin,” The Psyche rose from his seat as he spoke, his eyes fixed on his monitor, “you probably hear some variation of this every time you’re aboard the Inter-Orbitals, but I’ll say it anyway, just for the sake of thoroughness.”
“This crew is a small community; we spend as much time together on the circuits as you spend alone down there on those planets. Random elements in the chemistry set can cause large reactions.
“Please be careful in your dealings with the crew while aboard this ship – we’re all just trying to keep the ride a smooth one.”

Paranoia plays a large part in the life of an arsehole.
Back in my cabin, I scanned for surveillance, coming up with nothing.
Reason dictates that it is immoral for the company to spy on its employees but nobody I knew trusted the company’s take on morality, nor did anyone fully believe in the dictates of Reason.

I stood at the sink and shaved my planet-side beard.
Six months alone and completely absorbed by the task doesn’t give you much cause to contemplate your reflection; it does however come with a heavy load of reflection.
I have heard of Operatives who’ve been dragged from the carapace completely delirious – the contemplation of self can be a bleak landscape: the absence of others to deflect the mind; the mundane but, for some, comforting business of human interaction.

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