Episode 2

My position as godhead is not entirely ceremonial; I am, after all, blood-related. A fact which allows for me to be directly linked to the planet. I do not, however, have the level of access that would allow me influence on any important systems, I possess only magician-level skills. Skills that enhance the ceremonies in spectacular ways; flashes in the pan. Skills that I am now employing to recount this memoir in a tiny cramped photo-synthetic reactive handwritten script on the walls of my throne-room.
I hope only to subvert my own godhead, in some way to end the horror of my existence.
I hope that some citizen may read this memoir and know that the truth about their god; for better or worse.

They’d been late on the pick-up; 23 hours behind schedule; not quite long enough to notify me before my departure from Zarathustra.
I rechecked my data and entered the co-ordinates into the Carapace’s terminal before strapping myself in.
The interface plugged itself in at the back of my neck – not a pleasant sensation, no matter how many times you experience it.
The Carapace is a relatively simple device for getting off-plant in the most economical manner. In theory it is little more than an oversized catapult; or rather an oversized stone slung from an oversized catapult.
Minimally spherical with an array of small thrusters for orbital adjustment, the Carapace is fitted with s-shaped seating, numerous compressed containers of propellant and nestled among them one container of Stat and one of Suspend.

Suspend, a substance familiar to anyone who has experienced interstellar transit, was developed as a natural response to the perfection of the Random Engine and the subsequent advent of interstellar travel. As powerful as they are the Random Engines cannot shorten the journey to anything less than hundreds of years. As its rather imaginative name suggests, Suspend takes a freeze frame of its immediate organic surroundings then forgets to wake up until the deactivation signal is triggered. It suspends life at a molecular level and maintains the structure by repairing or countermanding any molecular change of state. Costing any system mere µA per year in low level electric activity, the human body can be kept suspended in molecular time indefinitely. Unlike just about every chemical substance imbibed by the species, Suspend has no side-effects; you get a wave of coldness and the next thing you know you’ve spent hundreds of f-years travelling. Suspend is seldom required for rendezvous with an Inter-Orbital but there have been cases where the pickup has gone so wrong that the Carapace has deemed it necessary to Suspend its occupant for a few f-years.

Stat, on the other hand is used on every occasion where the human body is to be subjected to cell splitting forces. Similar principal to Suspend, only you get to stay awake while your body is turned to stone.

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